Saturday, May 16, 2009

Commenting on Minimum Wage

If you wish to read the article

I hear from republicans that people need to be “Responsible” for their actions and people need to be more civic minded towards their friends and neighbors in this tough economic time. I absolutely agree, but why do I not hear the same GOP demanding Business(who are only made up of American Citizens) be more civic minded towards the country in which they are able to make the most amount of money in and at the same time, the owners of these businesses enjoy more personal freedoms in America than any other country in the world. Where is the loyalty to country? Where is the loyalty to fellow Americans?

A minimum wage was introduced because Capital(businesses) have always, always tried to pay the least amount possible for all wages and services while trying to charge the most for products and services to maximize profits. Simply put they (ALL BUSINESSES) wish to lower overhead(Cost of doing business) and raise prices as high as the market will bare. Sound business strategy and to this end, Capital(business) will always, always try and use Labor(Poor and Middle Class) and squeeze as much productivity as they can while giving as little as possible back. Why do you think so many jobs were sent overseas? It’s good business for Capital, who don’t care who makes their products as long as they are made as cheaply as possible- notice the prices never fell, even though these companies were saving money on labor, the saving never came to the consumer because Capital pocketed the profits.

The cannery could have been built in Somoa and still be run for less overhead with the higher minimum wage. 2000 x 3.5 = 7000$ an hour; the new factory would employ 200 so 200 x 7.55 = 1450$ an hour. SAVING almost $5500 dollars an hour!! Where is the sense of Civic responsibility! Somoas have been working for this “Business” for decades and depend on it. The “Business” could have saved money by building the new factory next to the old, but they could save even more on shipping costs by moving the Cannery “Business” to Georgia. The move has absolutely nothing to do with “Minimum Wage” and every thing to do with making as much money as possible while paying as little as possible back to the people who do all the work.

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