Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Great "Cheerio" Debate and the Role Government is Supposed to Play

The President of the United States of America is also known as the "Steward of the People". People is used in the broadest sense to eliminate any favoritism for one group over another, the basis of America. When John McCain spoke about one of his Republican Hero's, Theodore Roosevelt, he spoke of him and his policy of talking softly and carrying a big stick. Senator McCain failed to mention President Roosevelt was a "Trust Buster" dissolving 40 monopolies and distrusted wealthy businessmen, who he saw as nothing more than a corrupting influence in Capitalism and Politics since businessmen were in business for money, and nothing else, and most will do anything to earn more money, as can be seen today in decisions made by a small number of people who are "Bankers and Big Businessmen" that effect the entire population.

The perfect example of what Businessmen are willing to do for money can be seen in the examples of Rockefeller, Carnage, Mellon, and Morgan among other "Barons of Business" willing to break any and all laws to make a buck that Roosevelt had to deal with back then, and who we have to face yet again in this day. The pattern through time is obvious to this blogger that Bankers and Businessmen thirst for money like a crack addict in any day and age. Roosevelt viewed Government as the arbitrary force between Capital(business) and Labor(used to be workers, today it is consumers, subtle shift) favoring neither while promising justice and fairness to both. Today I have to ask the question: How far have Republicans fallen from the ideals of one of Americas greatest Presidents, who's face graces Mount Rushmore, when they so obviously blanket their favoritism on Big Business?

The Cheerio debate is the perfect example. The parent company is breaking the law in its false advertising campaign. The law is in the books to protect the consumer from any company misrepresenting its product. This law was designed to thwart unscrupulous persons and corporations from selling snake oil and the like. Basically it just means a person or company can not lie about its product in order to sell it. This is to protect the average American who is not an expert in the field of whatever is being sold. In the case of Cheerios, one would have to be a Cardiovascular Specialist as well as a Nutritionist to realize the claims made by the cereal are unfounded. I'm guessing a very small percentage of America fits this category.

"This is the kind of irritating, intrusive nonsense that makes people weary of their government and every smarmy bureaucratic microbe in it," writes David Crocker of the Behind Blue Lines blog. Guess who this guy is behind? Obviously Big Business pays him. Who else in America can step in and keep business from ripping off and/or misleading Americans but the Government? Obviously Business can not do it themselves. When has any field of Business ever successfully regulated themselves? Big Oil? The last time oil was under $60 dollars a barrel the price was under 2 dollars, but today it is being raised simply because it is summer, and people drive more. I thought that practice was called Price Gouging? Air Lines? When they deregulated prices did nothing but go up and up, when they argued the "Free Market" would cause prices to drop because of competition. Cable companies used the same "Free Market" idea arguing the same price drop caused by competition. When did Cable prices ever drop? What about Telecoms? AT&T has been broken up a couple of times to break their monopoly, and what did they use as an argument to persuade congress to deregulate them? "Free Market" of course, but again, I have yet to see the "Free Market" cause much competition. Energy conglomerates used the same "Free Market" formulated argument for competition, and the greed in that area of business led to Enron busting and price increases across the board for the American Consumer. I need not go into what deregulating the Financial market has lead to, all in the name of "Free Market" and competition that never comes.

"So I guess now the Communist-in-Chief will declare a War on Cereal," rants Ed Anger of the Weekly World News.
Another Karl Rove style of attack. Generalize what is under attack while ranting loudly and attacking the political "enemy". I would like to see old Ed Anger as a Chinese citizen in China and use the same tone to attack a real communist government and see what happens to him. The fact he can say such a thing about ANY American President is a testament to the greatness of this country and the freedom and liberty its Citizens hold. In other Conservative Republican media outlets the marketing Cheerios as medicine is being defended as a matter of liberty.

Who's Liberty?! Are Republicans so far gone towards business they view businesses liberty to scam and rip off the consumer as more important than the liberty of their Fellow American to be free from such blatantly unethical practices!! The last time I looked the Constitution started with "WE THE PEOPLE", not "We Big Business", or "We the Banking Lobby", or "We the Oil Lobby". Republicanism, the style of governing (not being a political party Republican) is based the the liberty and freedoms of the individual. How can the American have liberty or be free when business(Capital) has a free hand to ignore the law of the land and exploit the individual? I have to question the motives of many "Republicans" when they seem to be rank and file against defending the individual citizens right to be free from corrupt business practices.

As a Republican, I voted for Obama simply to pressure the GOP to shake loose its ties, which becomes clearer and clearer everyday, to Big Business in general and re-read the definition of American Republicanism, on Wikipedia for example since its free to the world. I am for the Republican values of Liberty and Freedom, Free from any form of Tyrannical rule whether it be Military, Dictatorship, Religious, or Business like in manner. Words have no meaning to those who lie, actions speak better of what is intended. It is easy for any person to say they are "Good People" with the "Best Intentions", but I don't believe them since they keep ripping me off.

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