I am really tired of people all over this country trying to split up this country along ideological, theological, economical, and political lines.
“We the people of the United States of America, in order for form a more perfect union establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessing of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America.”
Where is the Justice when a credit card company can whimsically charge 20-30% interest for the privilege of spending your own money? i know, the argument, “If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it”, well, what can people afford today with $10 an hour, $400 a week, only $1200 a month, all before taxes. A $150,000 home on a 30 fixed rate of (Gasp) 5% is $802 a month. Hmmm, 1200- 802 = 398. So a full time worker making 10 an hour trying to live in a home(The American Dream) only has 400 dollars to pay for his car payment, car insurance, car maintenance, gas, health insurance, property taxes, home insurance(Flood and Fire insurance extra), home gas bill, electric bill, water bill, trash pickup bill, homeowners association costs, don’t forget food, and if he decides to have a child, you have extra food costs, health costs, toys, on top of schools costs(i thought public education was supposed to be free? isn’t that promised? why must parents pay for public school?) and of course saving for your child’s college, and retirement for you of course. If he gets married, it may or may not add some income to the home.
Where is the promise of Liberty when the entire financial system is constructed to make sure a person is enslaved to debt right out of college, if they even go, and if they don’t have a college education, a person is almost guaranteed a life lived in conditions close to poverty. Where is the general welfare of this country when the Middle Class and the Yeoman farmer, the group that represents “WE THE PEOPLE” have no means with which to ensure they have “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
This country was not founded by Bankers, Businessmen, Financiers, Lawyers, or Politicians, yet this small, small majority of people run this country, and i promise you this small, small group of people do not have the best interest of the American public in their hearts.
The biggest fear the small, small group of people have is the population seeing through them, seeing how this group has distorted the constitution and the institutions of this great country to fit their greedy, selfish, self-serving wants, and united to drive them all out of office.
Why else would this small, small group of people continue to keep the American population divided and polarized, keep them from seeing the truth and keep them from getting this country back to what is means
“For the people, by the people.”
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